Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Still in WIP phase: Golden Light

Due to my idea for the DRWolf project being so... crazy (I blame my tendency to underestimate the time I need to do things.) Golden Light is still in its WIP phase. :(

On the bright side, with the DRWolf project out of the way I intend to use this week to give the project all the love it deserves.

This story is based off the Tiger from the Chinese Zodiac. One character, Elliot, has the personality of the Tiger. Meanwhile Lydia... well you'll see. 

It's about a young magician-to-be boy named Elliot, whose arrogance becomes so out of control, another magician turns his sister, Lydia, into a tiger. Unable to undo the spell, Elliot and Lydia leave their home in search for the 'Golden Light' which is said to undo all abnormalities in any creature. However, time is limited. If mistakes are made, Elliot may lose both his sister and his future.

The Process of finding Elliot

It took me awhile to get a Tiger Lydia I liked. The one in the top right corner and the one with "YAY!" near it are when I felt good. The girl version is still... going. I need more work on her human version. 

More Elliots. I love drawing this guy. The Gradient is not final. It is just his color scheme that I'm going to use. I wanted this style to be different in my coloring techniques from normal.

 Again these gradients are just placeholders showing Elliot and Lydia's color schemes. I still have to figure out where Lydia's stripes are going to go. <3 Cute anyway. Though I'm sure Elliot is annoyed... I mean his sister is only 6 or 7 so... yeah. Oh yes Elliot is probably 12 or 13

DRWolf Project

This week I got the pleasure of being able to help my favorite youtube analyst, DRWolf. He likes to do new things to keep busy all the time. Recently I encouraged him to try covers after hearing a bit of his singing voice in another video. Several research and conversations later I was providing art for his next video. Mind you this post is actually being shown before his video... but no one will really see this until much much later if this blog really ever goes anywhere. XD

I just wanted to show something I'm proud of.

This is only ONE of many elements/drawings in the video and my personal favorite.

There are more... but I think I'll keep my posting to this for now.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Dustmites are always creatures that have had my interest. Odd because normally I detest creatures such as them. Our goal was to make an ugly or cute version of some sort of insect like creature. The bottom left one I see actually as an old mentor character. The fancy cute one... a butler of sorts.

Characters with Shapes

 Basically this is assignment was to create character sketches with circles, squares, or triangles. I'm glad to have been able to easily play with the types of styles I know into odd combinations. Actually I'm probably going to use some of these characters as basic ideas for characters in my stories.

Circle based people. My favorite is the man in the middle with the large chin.

Had a lot of fun with this square section. Somehow I can do dogs in this... which is odd because I don't know how to draw dogs. I really should learn. I also love the guy with the gauge earings and the men in the top left and right. Maybe the boy with the turtle on his head... maybe.

The triangle section was both my first and last. I like the little girl in the top row, the woman to the bottom left and the man to the bottom right. The dog is okay, but I like the previous dog more.

Animation Love Self Portrait

My feelings for animation when I have an ounce of sanity. I admit that isn't very often.