Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Dragon Lady


Drawing a character in my style was interesting. It was nice to have a tiny bit of practice with elderly characters prior. Still I wasn't entirely sure what to do with the idea of a "Spanish Old Woman".  I thought of a vain woman losing her youth but... the Dragon Lady was just too tempting.
Here she is first in my style. I couldn't attempt other styles until I had a base.

 I couldn't figure out if it's Scotty Young or Scottie Young. Well either way  I was rushing this one too much. Though scribbly, there is a neatness he has that I neglected in a rush. I like how creepy she is here, but this is my least favorite. Yet it's also the most similar to my style.

I didn't know if I would like the Michel Ocelot style. I did truly! I also got an opportunity to use some photographs I've taken n the background and light thing.

The Kuroko no Basuke (Kuroko's Basketball) or as I like to call this, Kuroko no Dragon, was the most opposite of my style. Now  I know why I don't use pen pressure in my own art. It's not a bad tool, just not the right tool for my style. This style, goes the opposite, not just in that it is anime, but in technique. Thin line art that requires the brush of the pen pressure. Hard shading that requires pen pressure. It's all very pen pressure reliant. My style just isn't.

Ahhhh recent examples. Uh Edwin here yes. See? My style is a no go in pen pressure. Sorry this is a portion of a group project. There's meant to be more stuff around him.

Oh here is a better example. Part of the DR.Wolf project. Yeah my style is super cartoony. My painting is pretty but the process just...  don't enjoy pen pressure. That and my tablet only lets me use pen pressure on Macs only. My personal computer and class room ones are windows. I have to go down to the computer lab for pen pressure.

Finally here are all my references for the old lady style. I own none of the drawings in this reference sheet.

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